Saturday, March 20, 2010

Health & Fitness

Polar Bear Club move over…there’s a new crowd sharing the cold water. “Freeze for Life” is a combination of diverse water sports and dedicated athletes who brave frigid waters in order to raise money for cancer and educational charities. The event started in December 2008 at the Riviera Dock in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, and grew exponentially with time. This past year ripper Mark Ruck man handled some small waves in the cold waters of Wisconsin while being towed on his longboard behind a Mastercraft towboat, bundled up from head to toe with only his eyes visible. Lucky for him, after his surf sesh, there was a steaming hot tub beach-side waiting for him at the end of his “heat”. Ruck warmed up to prepare himself for his heady jam session later that night at the Freeze for Life after party downtown Lake Geneva. Even the landlocked find a way.

–via Jessica Bush

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