Monday, December 15, 2008

40 degrees--> 5 degrees

ONE day?

this weather's freakin' me out!!
tomorrow i head back to the lake,
for not only the holiday's but a few months down under.
reality's finally hitting me, i'm going to miss this place,
all the parts i love about Iowa City and more.
though i will return in the near future,
i know the midwest has lots more in store.
but there's a whole world out there,
with only one lifetime to see it and one to live it.
so i'm peacin' out of IC, nervous? no doubt.
excited?? CAN'T WAIT:)

Our last night in Iowa City together...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Julie Bush & Lake Geneva

My mom and her girls living it up in Lake Geneva!
Classic Julie Bush move: we know that's not gatorade in your bottle...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

can't sleep...

Its 6 am, I cannot sleep..
glancing outside, the snows knee deep

missing the sun, my tan, the lake..
all replaced by a couple snowflakes

I hate that lately I feel so lazy..
but this weather, damn, it's driving me crazy!

although I love the changing of the seasons..
I still wish it was summer, for so many reasons